

"],"name":"artist.Hookman 000","mediaType":"text/html"}],"project":"artist.Hookman","description":["This token represent Hookman, a generative artist from","Brighton, England, and a member of the BlockGen.art team.","Hookman specialises in on-chain art, looking to push the limits","of what can be achieved in 16kb of code minted to the","blockchain using all available Web technologies.","He is also dedicated to driving forwards tools to help all","artists create on-chain art as part of the Block Gen Art","platform, as well as designing tools to use these pieces","in real world environments such as phones and galleries."],"mediaType":"image/png","medium":"Fully On-Chain BlockGen.Art Canvas","properties":{"type":"master"}}; jsonData.image = null; jsonData.files = null; // Function to format JSON function formatJSON(jsonObj) { var formatted = JSON.stringify(jsonObj, null, 1); // Remove the first and last curly braces //formatted = formatted.slice(1, -1); // Replace commas with newlines formatted = formatted.replace(/,/g, ''); //formatted = formatted.replace(/[{}]/g, ' '); //formatted = formatted.replace(/{\n/g, 'xx'); // Removes all curly braces followed by newline formatted = formatted.replace(/{[\n\s]*|[\n\s]*}/g, ''); // Removes all curly braces followed by or preceding newline and whitespace formatted = formatted.replace(/: "(.*?)"/g, ': $1"'); //formatted = formatted.replace(/"/g, ''); return formatted; } // Display formatted JSON in the HTML element var jsonOutputElement = document.getElementById("jsonOutput"); jsonOutputElement.innerHTML = formatJSON(jsonData);