

"],"name":"Shader Wars 003","mediaType":"text/html"}],"description":"This is an on chain generative audiovisual interactive project","mediaType":"image/png","properties":{"ExtraBomb":"+1","Background":"Orange","Music":"Medieval Techno by autre coeur","Grid":"Lines","Border":"Gold","Attract":"Blues","Edition":"OfficerClass"}}; jsonData.image = null; jsonData.files = null; // Function to format JSON function formatJSON(jsonObj) { var formatted = JSON.stringify(jsonObj, null, 1); // Remove the first and last curly braces //formatted = formatted.slice(1, -1); // Replace commas with newlines formatted = formatted.replace(/,/g, ''); //formatted = formatted.replace(/[{}]/g, ' '); //formatted = formatted.replace(/{\n/g, 'xx'); // Removes all curly braces followed by newline formatted = formatted.replace(/{[\n\s]*|[\n\s]*}/g, ''); // Removes all curly braces followed by or preceding newline and whitespace formatted = formatted.replace(/: "(.*?)"/g, ': $1"'); //formatted = formatted.replace(/"/g, ''); return formatted; } // Display formatted JSON in the HTML element var jsonOutputElement = document.getElementById("jsonOutput"); jsonOutputElement.innerHTML = formatJSON(jsonData);